Small Larp of the Year
- EYELarp: Legio Nightmare
- Forlorn Hope
- Tales Larp in Kent
- The Tithing * Runner Up *
- Hades ***Winner***
Medium Larp of the Year
- EYELarp: Flying Lead
- Forsaken Lands
- Wilde Realms
- All Hallows’ Eve * Runner Up *
- Asphodel by Fakelore Games ***Winner***
Large Larp of the Year
- Curious Pastimes * Runner Up *
- The Lorien Trust
- Beyond Ragnarok
- PD Empire ***Winner***
- Skullduggery
International Larp of the Year
- Bicolline * Runner Up *
- College of Wizardry ***Winner***
- Five Oaths
- The Fog Larp, Bulgaria
- Atropos’ Love & Duty
Family Larp of the Year
- Curious pastimes
- Empire – Profound Decisions * Runner Up *
- Forsaken Lands Larp
- Second Breakfast ***Winner***
- Lorien Trust
New Larp of the year
- All Hallows’ Eve * Runner Up *
- The Gritlands * Runner Up *
- The Forlorn Hope * Runner Up *
- Forsaken Lands
- Asphodel ***Winner***
Club Larp of the year
- Fools and Heroes ***Winner***
- Hokfell LARP (Leeds university)
- Labyrinthine
- Neothera saga * Runner Up *
- University of Birmingham Vampire
Grassroots Larp of the Year
- Curious Pastimes
- Tales Larp
- All Hallows’ Eve * Runner Up *
- Empire ***Winner***
- Herofest
Player-run or Sanctioned Larp of the Year
- Return to the Black Oasis – Akesh run Mercenaries faction event (Curious Pastimes)
- Belyvolk Pass – Empire Sanctioned Event
- War Pigs – Steppe Faction Event (Curious Pastimes system)
- Feyfolken: The Lyons of Mitwold * Runner Up *
- Goodleaf Games – Empire Sanctioned Event ***Winner***
Award for Accessibility in Larp
- Curious Pastimes
- Empire ***Winner***
- Reginae Regis LRP * Runner Up *
- Tales Larp
- Wilde Realms Larp
Larp Media of the Year
- 2Have & 2Role
- Abipop
- Dean Hassell Media
- HeftyYeti ***Winner***
- Larps and Tarps * Runner Up *
Larp producer of the year- foam/latex
- Craeftigan
- Light Armouries
- Twisted Goblin Armouries
- Gnosis Studios ***Winner***
- Irregular props * Runner Up *
Larp producer of the year – leather
- Darkblade
- The Goblin Workshop ***Winner***
- McSkelly leathers
- LarpMax aka Max Berry
- Stardust Larpcraft * Runner Up *
Larp producer of the year – costume
- Angrave Designs ***Winner***
- Kadlins Crafts
- Craeftigan
- Steph Edwards – @Very_yorkshire_seamstress
- Golden Mochi Designs * Runner Up *
Larp caterer of the year
- Chef Bean’s LARP Catering
- The Ratt Shack
- The Smoky Hole * Runner Up *
- EYELarp/Feast your eyes ***Winner***
- Incendo Catering
In-field retailer of the year
- Das Shoppe
- Light Armouries
- Stardust Larpcraft ***Winner***
- Twisted Goblin Armouries * Runner Up *
- Lyon Leathers
Online retailer of the year
- Clutter-Buys
- Dragon Armoury * Runner Up *
- Twisted Goblin
- Perkipc Boutique
- Larp Inn ***Winner***
Creature Costume or Puppet of the year
- Hook Horror – Tristan McSkelly – Through a Mirror Darkly, Lorien Trust Tarantulas Sanctioned * Runner Up *
- The Bears – And now my watch Begins – Mandala Studios ***Winner***
- Dalkarnis the Silver Dragon – Forsaken Lands Event 2
- Cheshire Cat – Eldritch Days 2023 – Simon Paine
- Stavros The Shark – Portents Larp – Worn & Made by @Scrungly.bison on Instagram * Runner Up *
Bard of the year
- Geren – Nathan Greensmith
- Golden Apple
- Jamie Wakefield – Haulwyn Splitroot at Empire
- Larkin Otterways – Sam Webstter * Runner Up *
- Silgor- Ben Reid ***Winner***
NPC of the year
- Lucy Lou – Flying Lead: Nightmare – Abipop * Runner Up *
- Henry VIII – Harry Harrold – Reginae Regis ***Winner***
- Darren Nellies
- Queen Mara – Ritchie Lloyd-Walker – Curious pastimes
- Grandmaster Kaboom – Cassie Walton – Alchemists guild, Lorien Trust
Event Crew member of the year
- Jonny Fisher
- Beck Hemsley ***Winner***
- Eddy Hughes * Runner Up *
- Kitty Dobson
- Heather Wickson
Unsung Hero
- Harry “Aitch” Bryce ***Winner***
Lifetime Achievement
- Stephen Canfield ***Winner***
Overall Larp of the Year
- Empire ***Winner***
Photography Category – General – People’s Choice
- Under Vigilance’s Protection – So Say We All Photography ***Winner***
Photography Category – General – Judges’ Choice
- You weren’t supposed to take the doors off… – Vee Strong/ CallioPea Pictures * Runner Up *
- Under Vigilance’s Protection – So Say We All Photography***Winner***
Photography Category – Costume – People’s Choice
- Archmage of Day – Skywise Gralka – Steph Pardoe ***Winner***
Photography Category – Costume Judges’ Choice
- Archmage of Day – Skywise Gralka – Steph Pardoe * Runner Up *
- Damocles of Thrace – James Dance***Winner***
Photography Category – Set/Prop – People’s Choice
- You weren’t supposed to take the doors off… – Vee Strong/ CallioPea Pictures***Winner***
Photography Category – Set/Prop – Judges’ Choice
- You weren’t supposed to take the doors off… – Vee Strong/ CallioPea Pictures * Runner Up *
- Upwold Bestwold – AstoraPhotography ***Winner***