
Weekend timetable

times and other details are subject to change, and may vary from the advertised programme at short notice.


14.00 – Arrival for traders set up

17.00 – Arrival for Promoters o set up

20.00 – Venue Closes


8.00 – Doors open for exhibitor set up

10.00 – Doors open  

15.00 – Cos-play Parade (Studios)

5.00 – Doors close


8.00 – Doors open for exhibitor set up

10.00 – Doors open for Autism Hour

11.00 – Doors open

15.30 – Time to see how your items did in the bring and buy before closing time.

16.00 – Doors Close

Our programme of talks:-


11.00 – 12.00  Curious Pastimes talk about their new rules

14.00 – 15.00  Matt Pennington and Simon White talk about the new permanent larp site which Empire Lrp will be                                 using from 2026

15.00 – 16.30  Live Storymaster’s Tales (featuring the voice of Tom Baker) 
                             Tickets available here


11.15 – 12.45  Live Storymaster’s Tales (featuring the voice of Tom Baker) 
Tickets available here

13.00 – 14.00 Menhir’s fate talking about their new game, starting in April

14.00 – 16.00 – Clutterbuys live auction (venue available until 17.00 for the auction)

All times and activities subject to change.